The Covid-19 pandemic presents many significant challenges for Malawi, Scotland, and the bilateral relationship. The SMP is committed to doing all it can to support our members in Scotland and their partners in Malawi, through the pandemic. There has never been greater need for coordination, information sharing and solidarity.

How the SMP is responding

How the SMP is responding

How we're responding to the challenges of Covid-19.

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Latest situation, resources and support in Malawi

Latest situation, resources and support in Malawi

Pandemic updates from Malawi.

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Scotland-Malawi Oxygen Supply Coordination Group

Scotland-Malawi Oxygen Supply Coordination Group

The primary purpose of the Scotland-Malawi Oxygen Supply Coordination Group, is to help coordinate those involved in supporting the supply of oxygen in Malawian hospitals during the Covid pandemic.

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Malawi appeals

Malawi appeals

We are happy to promote Covid-19 fundraising appeals, and encourage members and partners to donate generously.

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Member perspectives

Member perspectives

From March 2020 onwards, we collected and shared some of our members’ and partners’ perspectives on the ground in Malawi.

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Principles of good practice

Principles of good practice

Following requests from members, partners and key stakeholders in Scotland and Malawi, the SMP facilitated an open and inclusive dialogue around the principles of good practice in responding to Covid-19.

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