Privacy policy
In keeping with data protection legislation, like all other organisations in the UK, it's important that we make clear how and why we use personal data. This policy sets out all you need to know but please always feel free to give us a bell or drop us an email if you want to chat it through.
In a nutshell, the SMP works on the basis that it has a legitimate interest to use the data provided by its members to support members' links with Malawi. Members can choose at any time how much information on their Malawi link is publicly available on the SMP website, and how we communicate with them.
The privacy and security of personal data is very important to us and we take the responsibility seriously.
About us
The SMP exists to inspire the people and organisations of Scotland to be involved with Malawi in an informed, coordinated and effective way to the benefit of both nations.
The SMP (the data controller) is a registered SCIO (SC050781). Any reference to ‘us', ‘we', ‘our', ‘data controller' is in reference to the SMP.
If you have any Data Protection concerns you can email or call 0131 529 3164.
What personal data do we collect and where from?
This Privacy Policy applies if you're a member, volunteer, supporter, employee or use any of our services, visit our online facilities such as websites or apps, email, call or write to us.
We will never sell your data and will only share it with companies when it is necessary, there is a legitimate interest, or where explicit consent has been given and the privacy and security of the data is assured.
We collect personal data in connection with specific activities such as registration or membership requests, booking onto an event, volunteering, conducting research, employment etc.
Personal Data collected may comprise:
- Your title
- Your name
- Your contact details which include email, postal address and telephone number
- Individuals applying for youth membership will be asked for their date of birth, but this is purely to establish that they are in the correct membership category
- Your SMP membership number, once assigned to your member record, is personal data
- Your payment details where necessary
Personal data provided by you
This is information you give when interacting with us, for example when joining as a member or registering for an event, applying for a job, taking part in research on our website or through other social media functions on our website, entering a competition, promotion or survey, or by corresponding with us (by phone, email or post).
We will only ask for relevant information to enable us to fulfil our obligation to you or provide the service requested. The exact type and quantity of information we collect and how we use it depends on why you are providing it.
For members, we only ask for information relevant to our work and to the membership category applied for. For example, we ask for details about the work carried out in Malawi so that we can help establish connections both in Scotland and in Malawi.
We may automatically collect technical information about you and your visit when you visit our website (covered in our Cookie Policy).
Personal data created by your involvement with us
Your activities and involvement with us will result in personal data being created. This could include details of how you’ve helped us by volunteering or being involved with our campaigns and events.
Sensitive Personal Data
This includes, but is not limited to, racial or ethnic origin, political belief, sexual orientation. At times we’ll collect sensitive personal data for Equal Opportunities monitoring but this is only ever analysed at an aggregate level.
We may request data from you specifically related to volunteer activities you undertake (e.g. references, criminal records, details of emergency contacts, medical conditions etc.). The data requested will be related to the activity undertaken.
Children's Personal Data
Youth membership is open to those aged 14-24. Details of youth members under the age of 18 are not published in the online member directory.
Youth members under the age of 18 will not receive direct marketing. We will send items related to their membership such as member updates or youth-focused events or competitions.
Cross Party Group
The SMP is the secretary for the Cross Party Group on Malawi. We collect personal data in order to administrate this group on behalf of the Member of Parliament who is the elected Convenor. This personal data may comprise:
- Your title
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your organisation
- Appearance in photographs taken during the event
This personal data may be collected upon registration, at attendance or by your request to become a member of the CPG.
How do we use your personal data?
Personal data provided to us will be used for the purpose or purposes at the time of collection or registration where appropriate, in conjunction with any preferences you express. If asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities, we may need to provide your personal data.
Prospective SMP Members
When we receive an application, an online membership profile is created and this normally contains the identity of the applicant. We will only use the information we collect to process the application and to provide further information about subscriptions and services after the application is successful. Prospective members can cancel their membership application at any time by emailing
Ineligible members will have their data permanently deleted within 6 months of an application being made. Eligible members who have not been successful in their application will have only the necessary information stored as needed to document this decision by the Board.
Current SMP Members
Current members have an online membership profile which can be accessed and edited at any time by logging on to: http://scotland-malawipartners....We will use the information we collect to administer members and process payments, to provide services and to keep members informed of Scotland-Malawi news and related matters, not limited to but including:
- Welcome email with details of how to activate your Membership page on the SMP website
- Any required information about payment notifications such as Standing Orders
- Weekly bulletins containing Scotland-Malawi related news, events and updates from the SMP and our members
- Relevant forum updates based around Areas of Partnership, such as Health or Education
- Renewal notices and administration to do with membership, including any changes to the terms and conditions of membership e.g. price changes
- Information we are obligated to sending as detailed in the Memorandum and Articles of Association, such as information related to our Annual General Meeting
- Research and surveys related to membership experience and updates on benefits
- We will occasionally send out information, via email or post, related to our news, events, campaigns or issues we feel our members may be interested
Members can opt out at any time of any or all communications from the SMP, except those required for administering your membership, by clicking the unsubscribe button on emails or by emailing
Non-members who use SMP products, services and activities
We have to hold the details of the people who have requested a service in order to provide it. However, we only use these details to provide the service the person has requested and for other closely related purposes.
For example, we might send information about people who have registered for an event to the venue for the event so they know who is at the venue in case of an emergency.
When people do subscribe to our services or register for our events, they can cancel their subscription or registration at any time and are provided with an easy way of doing this.
The SMP Online Membership Database
The SMP Online Membership Database (“Database”) is a central, online resource of our members.
The purpose of this Database is to facilitate communication between members in Scotland. Contact details of members are published in this Database as feedback has suggested members find this very useful, but this is not mandatory for membership. When applying for membership we ask permission to publish your name, email address and contact telephone number in the directory. Not giving this permission does not affect the membership in any way.
Consent for this information to be shared publicly can be given, amended and taken away at any time. You may also opt out of appearing in this Database altogether. Please email or call 0131 529 3164 to amend your preferences.
Recruitment and employment
In order to comply with our contractual, statutory, and management obligations and responsibilities, we process personal data, including ‘sensitive’ personal data, from job applicants and employees (see Sensitive Data section above). In certain circumstances, we may process personal data or sensitive personal data without explicit consent. Further information on what data is collected and why it is processed is given in the SMP Staff Handbook.
Cross Party Group
We have to hold the details of the people who have requested to participate in the Cross Party Group in order to service the group and its related meetings. However, we only use these details to provide this service. We are required to send information about people who have registered for meetings to the Scottish Parliament for security purposes. Attendee numbers are retained for Parliamentary reporting.
When people subscribe to the Cross Party Group member list or register for meetings, they can cancel their subscription or registration at any time and are provided with an easy way of doing this.
Photographs of the event may be taken and used for inclusion in our newsletters and annual reports in order to highlight the activity of the group. Any person featuring in a photograph of a Cross Party Group meeting will not be identified by name and may request the removal of their photograph from the public domain at any time.
What is the legal basis for processing your data?
In order to process information we must have a lawful reason for doing so. The four most common reasons why we process data are as follows;
- Contractual
- Legitimate interest
- Consent
Legal Obligation
We will only use your personal data on the relevant lawful grounds as detailed above.
Below are the main uses of your data which depend on the type of relationship we have with you and how you interact with our services, websites and activities.
The SMP relies upon Legitimate Interest to help us provide the services linked to your membership and to keep you abreast of information and events pertaining to your membership and the Partnership.
The SMP considers that, as a network celebrating and supporting civic links between Scotland and Malawi, members will be interested in Scotland-Malawi news and related matters.
Each communication channel has a clear Opt Out option and preferences can also be updated by emailing
Single Issue Use
We may request your personal data in order for us to provide you with a single use service. This may include, but is not limited to, information about an event or campaign.
We will contact you about this specific use and may send you reasonable further communications about this single issue. We may also request explicit consent for other items such as contacting you about membership or other products.
Communications (non-members)
Subscribers to our bulletin will only be contacted with relevant Scotland-Malawi content such as, but not limited to, campaigns, events, news and member benefits. We will never pass your personal data, outside of contracted services, to any third party outside of the SMP.
Partners working in relevant Areas of Partnership may be sent information relevant to a particular Forum or focus group. It is possible to opt out of these communications at any time through the provided Opt Out option or by emailing
Cross Party Group
The SMP relies upon Legitimate Interest to provide the services of acting as Secretary for the Cross Party Group, whereby members of the group and interested others will benefit from being invited to attend the group’s meetings. The group receives no other communication it is possible to opt out of these communications at any time through the provided Opt Out option or by emailing
Who do we share your data with?
In most cases, personal data will not be disclosed without consent, except where it is in the interests of the data subject and other situations as required by law e.g. the prevention and detection of crime.
We may be required to pass your data on to a third party to carry out a service, for example our weekly bulletin platform or the Scottish Parliament security for Cross Party Group meetings, but we will only do this when necessary and the security of your data can be guaranteed.
How do you keep your information up to date?
You can update your personal data at any time. This includes the right to withdraw your consent to any of our member communications, apart from those required to administer your application, and to any of your membership details being displayed on our website in the Database.
If you want to update or amend your personal data or marketing preferences you can do so in the following ways:
Online: Visit and sign in.
Email: Write to Please confirm your membership number and your request. We will store this email on your member record as proof of consent for any amendments to your record.
Call us: (Office opening hours week days 9am to 5.30pm) 0131 529 3164. We can amend your contact details. Communication preferences must be done in writing or by yourself online.
Write to:
Scotland Malawi Partnership
City Chambers
Room 3/1
High Street
EH1 1YJ(We will update your member record within 10 days of receipt of request)
How do we keep your data secure?
Information system and data security is imperative to us to ensure that we are keeping our customers, members, volunteers, employees and contractor safe. Your membership is managed by SMP staff only and your data transferred to third parties for processing only when necessary to fulfil membership or service requirements.
Certain necessary personal information that we collect from our members or service users will be transferred to, and stored at, third parties outside the UK (such as our newsletter provider Mailchimp).This is necessary to supply our service to you and is only retained as long as is necessary for the membership or service.
We will keep your personal information for limited and appropriate periods of time and as long as is required by applicable law/contractual obligations.
The SMP does not have any Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). However we run a number of events in locations that are not owned by us and their CCTV is managed by those properties. This includes events taking place within the Edinburgh City Chambers.
Changes to this privacy policy
We will amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that it remains up to date and reflects clearly how we use your personal data. Please visit our website to keep up to date with any changes. We will not amend anything that will affect your rights. The current version will always be posted on our website.
This Privacy Policy was last updated in May 2022.