Opportunity International
We empower people in developing countries with microfinance - small loans, savings, micro insurance - and training so that they can unlock their own potential and better provide for themselves and their families. A recognised, effective solution to global poverty, microfinance and business training empowers poor people to work their own way out of poverty. Our approach promotes dignity and self-sufficiency, not dependence on hand outs,,Opportunity is serving over 1.8 million clients around the world. 85 of our clients are women. Because loans to our poor clients have to be repaid, and the repayment rate is 98, a donation to Opportunity International is used time and time again. Furthermore, we can multiply money donated. Our overseas regulated microfinance banks can convert donations into an equity stake. By accessing capital markets and mobilising savings locally, money invested in these operations is leveraged,,We measure and monitor our impact on clients, such as increases in household assets and childrens school attendance, improved health and womens empowerment. In short, we apply a business mentality to our social, not-for-profit mission. For the same reason, we pride ourselves on being transparent and accountable. Increasingly as we establish or convert our field operations to be regulated financial institutions, we subject ourselves to the rigours of the local countrys Central Bank&8232;. With our approach, Opportunitys global microfinance operations become sustainable. This ensures ongoing growth and creates self-sufficiency,