
Online Schools Forum

We held our first ever Online Schools Forum on Wednesday 27th March!

We held our first ever Online Schools Forum on Wednesday 27th March!

This was an opportunity for those who find it hard to get along to physical events to get information about school partnerships and Learning for Sustainability.

We were joined by Kirsten Leask, the programme manager in Scotland for the Connecting Classrooms for Global Learning programme who gave us the run down on what’s on offer and how to apply.

Gemma, our Youth and Schools officer talked about how to get a school partnership off the ground with a school in Malawi and how to use Malawi as a topic in your classroom.

We were also joined all the way from Malawi by Evelien Post from Supreme Sanitary Pads in Nkhata Bay who told us how Scottish schools could get involved with the organisation.

Please get in touch with Gemma if you'd like a copy of the resources and a link to the recording of the session.

Schools Forum