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Annual Report 2021 – 2022

Welcome from the Chair  

Professor Heather Cubie MBE, FRSE.

Heather Cubie in Nkhoma

2021-2022 has proved to be another year where digital connectivity has been to the fore. While we miss the human touch of face-to-face meetings, there is no doubt that ingenuity and continuing hard work from our small and dedicated staff team have provided significant opportunities for digital engagement, enabling many Malawians to join with us in discussion. This includes the impressive series of governance webinars based on the book ‘Beyond Impunity: New Directions for Governance in Malawi’, which were led by Malawians and balanced by Scottish contributions.

The Annual Report for 2021-2022 is once more in digital format, embedded on the website, enabling you to dip into the text or delve more deeply into the detail by clicking on the many links contained within it.

I have just returned from a two-week visit to Malawi, a welcome return after 3 years of absence. What a delight and privilege it has been to see first-hand the amazing work of our Malawian colleagues, who have coped with the challenges of Covid, a falling economy and climatic changes with high and immediate impact in many areas. Could it be that they have been empowered by our physical absence but supported through digital access? Perhaps the hybrid systems to which we are becoming accustomed might represent true, equal and respectful partnership, in line with SMP’s long-established Partnership Principles?

In my final year as Chair of the Board of Trustees, I have continued to enjoy meeting with the team, mainly digitally but occasionally face-to-face. I personally look forward to more frequent in-person meetings, not only for staff and Trustees, but for our broad membership in the year ahead, while maintaining the benefits of hybrid working.

Professor Heather Cubie MBE, FRSE.