Mairi Thomson
I am a midwife working in Edinburgh and a Malawi enthusiast. I recently revisited Malawi ten years after I first went on a GAP year there. (Where I first fell in love with the beautiful country). I have been involved with a few projects. I arranged donated nursing and medical books from colleges at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to be shipped to the Kamuzu college of Nursing in Lilongwe (through a Scottish charity called Books Abroad). After an ex student from my gap year got in touch about his grassroots organisation that are doing community projects around Blantyre, I have been assisting from afar with getting their website up and running; and during my recent visit to Malawi got to see their work first hand. They are called Reach Out For Life. While in Lilongwe I also got the chance to observe some ongoing projects in maternity through SMP contacts at Edinburgh Napier Uni that I met at a SMP health forum! P.S. trying my best to promote Malawi as a tourist destination, because lets face it, who has even been there and didn't want to go back?