We're recruiting! Join us as an Intern (part time)
13 March 2020
Youth, Heritage and Culture Intern (Part-time)
Youth, Heritage and Culture Intern (Part-time)
***Please note a change in application deadline to 09.00am on Thursday 26th March 2020***
The Scotland Malawi Partnership is recruiting for a Youth, Heritage and Culture Intern to assist its work inspiring the people and organisations of Scotland to be involved with Malawi in an informed, coordinated and effective way for the benefit of both nations.
The post-holder should have an interest in international development, youth and schools work, and the shared cultural heritage between Scotland and Malawi. This post is for a fixed-term contract of 10 weeks.
About the role:
Salary: £21,450 (£8,580 pro rata, 0.4 FTE - 15 hours total per week)
Location: Edinburgh City Chambers (253 High Street, EH1 1YJ)
You must be aged 24 or younger to be eligible to apply as this role is being offered as part of the Scotland Malawi Partnership’s Youth, Heritage and Culture project, supported by the Year of Young People National Lottery Fund. Fitting with the project’s aims, this role will meaningfully involve a young person in the design, delivery and evaluation of heritage and community activities.
Roles and responsibilities:
The post-holder will assist the Youth & Schools Manager and Youth Committee in the delivery of the final phase of the SMP’s Heritage and Culture Youth Project, which is kindly funded by the YOYP National Lottery fund. This will include working with the Y&S Manager and Youth Committee:
- To advertise, organise and deliver heritage and culture workshops across Scotland.
- To recruit new members to the Youth Committee and organise meetings.
- To evaluate the project and to develop the legacy for the SMP’s youth work past the end of the project.
- To support youth and schools activities to gain skills and experience in a small but busy international development organisation.
Core areas of responsibility:
- Assist Youth & Schools Manager (YSM) to organise workshops in schools across Scotland.
- Work with YSM and Communications Officer to identify opportunities to advertise workshops to schools across Scotland.
- Work with YSM and Communications Officer to create social media content promoting the workshops and the project to schools, young people and other stakeholders.
- Assist YSM and Youth Committee to deliver workshops in schools across Scotland.
- Organise and attend Youth Committee meetings.
- Work with YSM and Youth Committee to recruit new members to the Committee.
- Support YSM in organisation and delivery of SMP youth and schools activities.
- Work with YSM and Youth Committee to evaluate workshops delivered in schools.
- Work with YSM and Youth Committee to evaluate the project.
- Create content for Youth Committee page on SMP website to keep the public and stakeholders up to date with the project’s activities and progress towards outcomes.
- Other duties as required for the smooth running of the Partnership.
Full details of the role’s responsibilities and how to apply can be found in the Application Pack (add link to download pack).
How to apply
Applicants should submit a CV (no more than 2 sides of A4), application form, and Equal Opportunities form (not compulsory) to Gemma Burnside gemma(at)scotland-malawipartnership.org
Documents are available to download below.
Closing date for applications is 09.00am on Thursday 26th March 2020 with interviews expected to take place in Edinburgh on the 1st and 2nd April 2020.
Youth, Heritage & Culture Intern application pack – download here
Youth, Heritage & Culture Intern application form - download here
Youth, Heritage & Culture Intern Equal Opportunities form – download here