Scottish Government tenders for health & education expertise, and climate justice delivery
22 September 2022
Technical expertise: Health and Education
The Scottish Government (SG) has released two invitations to tender (ITT), as they look to procure specific technical expertise to help inform the development of their international development programme:
- Details of call for an international development HEALTH specialist (deadline 30/09)
- Details of call for an international development EDUCATION specialist (deadline 30/09)
These two technical expertise posts are one year in duration.
We are informed by the SG that, when recruited, these health and education specialists will take a consultative approach - with partner country Governments, and also through a workshop with those with relevant expertise within the sector in Scotland and Malawi - in helping design updated policy delivery in these areas.
Climate Justice:
Separately, the SG has released a tender for its Climate Justice Programme (deadline 08/11) to deliver on the ground work in Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia to achieve climate justice outcomes. This programme will be the first of the relaunched Climate Justice Fund, and will be designed to incorporate the findings of the recent Climate Justice Fund Evaluation -including interventions which incorporate the Theory of Change and invest heavily in engagement with marginalised communities through a participatory design and implementation approach.
The Climate Just Communities strategic aim is to deliver climate justice interventions that tackle inequalities exacerbated by climate change and build communities resilience to the material and social impacts of climate change within Malawi.