Blog Post: Hydro Nation International Centre team meets with Malawi Young Climate Leaders
13 April 2023
The Hydro Nation International Centre team recently met with the Malawi Young Climate Leaders at the Malawi-Scottish Partnership office in Lilongwe to discuss Young Climate Leaders’ experiences in producing and communicating data, information, and knowledge for addressing climate change and promoting progress towards Malawi Vision 2063.
The Malawi Climate Leaders Project that ran for 4 years from 2018-2022 supported the ambition, innovation and passion of young people in Malawi to be the catalysts of change towards a sustainable, low-carbon and climate resilient future. The project was funded by the Scottish Government and implemented by the Malawi-Scottish Partnership in Malawi and 2050 Climate Group in Scotland.
The Hydro Nation International Centre team, led by Dr. Helliwell, shared insights and experiences on innovative approaches to water management and climate change adaptation from other parts of the world and discussed future synergies with the Young Climate Leaders including career development and opportunities for postgraduate training.
Some 12 Malawi Young Climate Leaders, who participated in the meeting, shared their experiences in mobilizing young people to take action on climate change in Malawi. They discussed their efforts to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems, and their advocacy for policies that promote sustainable development. The Young Climate Leaders highlighted the importance of building sustainable water infrastructure, promoting sustainable land use practices, and strengthening community resilience across Malawi in the face of climate change.
The meeting was a valuable opportunity for the Hydro Nation International Centre team and the Malawi Young Climate Leaders to exchange ideas and strategies for addressing climate change and promoting sustainable water management in Malawi. It highlighted the important role that young people can play in driving positive change in their communities and the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in achieving sustainable development goals. The Hydro Nation International Centre also commended the Malawi-Scotland Partnership for supporting the peer-to-peer partnerships between youth in Malawi and Scotland, including the Malawi Young Climate Leaders network.
The Hydro Nation International Centre, the Malawi Young Climate Leaders, and Malawi-Scotland Partnership are committed to continuing their collaboration to advance progress towards SDGs in Scotland, Malawi, and globally.
Aibek Samakov
International Development Officer,
Hydro Nation International Centre
Dr Rachel Helliwell
Director of CREW and the Hydro Nation International Centre
Linda Dembo
Programmes Manager