How SHOULD funders act?! Have your say…
16 September 2021
The Corra Foundation are undertaking some really interesting and meaningful research looking at how best funders should work with organisations undertaking international development work.
They want to listen to a range of views, in Scotland and in partner countries (including Malawi) to best understand how funders can adapt their approaches to better support powerful and equitable partnerships that generate lasting positive change for both partners and the communities involved.
We really encourage members to take 10 minutes to complete this important survey which will be open until 31 October 2021.
Complete the survey here.
Responses will be entirely anonymous and Corra prepare a summary of responses in November 2021.
The SMP is keen to support this brilliant, open-minded initiative which we think has real potential to strengthen the three-way, funder - grant recipient - partner community, relationship. We genuinely believe the findings from this research have the power to inform some really innovative new potential grant-making structures in Scotland, so we encourage everyone to not miss the opportunity to feed in.