Do you have a health link/project with Malawi?
03 February 2016
The SMP is a leading member of new Scottish Global Health Collaboration group which operates under the Chief Medical Officer. If you or your organisation have a health project or partnership with Malawi, or if you are a health professional in Scotland, please take a moment to complete this important national survey which will help inform future coordination, support and policy-making.
The SMP is a leading member of new Scottish Global Health Collaboration group which operates under the Chief Medical Officer.
With our members, the SMP has campaigned for a number of years for greater support and coordination of healthcare professionals volunteering in Malawi, and we see this new group as a major step forwards.
Amongst the group's first priorities is a mapping exercise, bringing together data on all Scotland's global health activity.
If you or your organisation have a health project or partnership with Malawi, or if you are a health professional in Scotland, please take a moment to complete this important national survey which will help inform future coordination, support and policy-making.

SMP plans to March 2017