This is where we'll send your confirmation email and keep in touch with you. It won't be listed publicly.
Enter a password for your account.
NB: If you are under 18, none of your details will be published on the SMP website.
Please use this space to describe briefly your work with, or interest in, Malawi.
Check up to five of the areas in which you are working in partnership / are interested in. For each area selected you will receive occasional related updates and forum invites.
Check all the districts in which you are working in partnership.
If you have a partner organisation in Malawi, enter their name here.
We confirm that our work is consistent with the spirit of the SMP's Partnership Principles.
We are only able to support you fully in Scotland as we are Scotland-based.
I/we agree that details supplied to the Scotland Malawi Partnership for my/our public profile will be put in the public domain, published in the web-based directory and in other printed and electronic material used to publicise the Partnership.
If approved for membership I'm happy for my profile information (excluding any personal details!) to be shared in an upcoming weekly newsletter to be introduced to the membership.
You will automatically receive communications from us on your membership, events, forums and updates on Scotland-Malawi news and related matters. You can opt out of any or all communications from the SMP, except those required for administering your membership. If you would like to know more or understand your data protection rights, please take a look at our privacy policy.