
St Roch's Secondary School Malawi Day

St Roch's celebrated its links to Malawi with music, dancing and presentations, inviting local organisations with their own Malawian partners into school.

The Scotland Malawi Partnership team had a brilliant time supporting St Roch's Secondary School's 'Malawi Day'.

Taking place on 20th June, the event featured guest speakers from a range of organisations along with Malawian music, dancing and language learning.

Pupils from the school worked in groups to gather information from different organisations on their partnerships with Malawi. The groups then presented this new knowledge to the rest of the group, using different formats depending on the subject covered.

Brave Mnyayi, a Malawian performer living in Edinburgh, gave an energetic performance that had all those attending dancing and singing.

Outside organisations and individuals attending the event included the David Livingstone Trust, Mary's Meals, Classrooms for Malawi, Strathclyde University, Malawi Leaders of Learning and Chichewa language tutor, Enock Bamusi.

Pupils from St Roch's were in the lead with designing the event and submitted a winning entry to the Scotland Malawi Partnership's (SMP) Youth Event Competition meaning their event received financial and organisational support from the SMP.

This support was made possible through funding from the Year of Young People National Lottery fund.

Gallery: Have a look at photos from St Roch's Secondary School's Malawi Day

St Roch's Secondary School Malawi Celebration Day

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