
SMP members meet Malawi's first home-trained vets

A short presentation, Q&A and chance to socialise with Malawi's first home-trained vets.

To follow the Cross Party Group meeting at the Scottish Parliament on September 11, we hosted a reception in the Main Chamber of Edinburgh's City Chambers to allow SMP members to meet in a less formal setting all 12 of Malawi’s first home-trained vets and their head of department Professor Tefera Melaku.

SMP Chair Professor Heather Cubie welcomed the vets and the professor and they were also addressed by prominent SMP member Colin Cameron who gave some historical context to the situation of veterinary science when he was resident in Malawi in the 60s.

Professor Melaku had earlier likened the achievement of the newly-qualified vets to the first moon landing.

Colin Cameron said: "I don't know if you were reaching for the moon. It seems more like making it to Mars."

The lynchpin of the visit, Fife vet Adam Tjolle, and Professor Melaku replied on behalf of the vets before the vets and guests mingled over refreshments including the customary Malawian gin.

As the evening fell on Ethiopian New Year's Eve, we wished Ethiopian national Professor Melaku a 'happy new year'!

Malawian vets social event at City Chambers