Roundtable with the UK's development finance institution - CDC
A roundtable event with CDC's Chairman, Graham Wrigley and Head of Global Affairs, Andrew Palmer to meet SMP Members and discuss their development priorities
15 January 2020, Edinburgh City Chambers
About the event
The Scotland Malawi Partnership and Scotland's International Development Alliance were delighted to co-host a round-table meeting with CDC’s Chairman, Graham Wrigley and Head of Global Affairs, Andrew Palmer, who were keen to meet Alliance and SMP Members to understand their development priorities.
The meeting presented an opportunity for those with key business, investment, trade and tourism links with Scottish civic society's international partners, to foreground the importance of significant and sustainable investment, and to hear from CDC.
CDC is the UK’s development finance institution, wholly owned by the UK Government’s Department for International Development. Founded in 1948, its mission is to support the building of businesses in Africa and South Asia, to create jobs and make a lasting difference to people’s lives in some of the world’s poorest places. This is done with a dual objective: to support growth and jobs that lift people out of poverty, and to make a financial return, which is re-invested into more businesses. In this way, its capital is used over and over again to help create the jobs and economic stability that will enable countries to leave poverty behind.
CDC invests in Africa and Asia because over 80% of the world’s poorest people live in these regions. The focus is on investing in countries where the private sector is weak, jobs are scarce, and the investment climate is difficulty, but particularly in sectors where growth leads to jobs. These sectors are financial services, infrastructure, health, manufacturing, food and agriculture, construction and real estate, and education.
More information
For meeting minutes, click here.
For presentation slides from CDC Group, click here.
2-page summary briefing on CDC’s impact in 2018, click here.
2-page summary briefing on CDC’s Malawi investments, click here.
CDC’s Impact Management Project (the framework CDC are adopting for their impact measurement), click here.
See below for more images of the event
About the hosts
Scotland’s International Development Alliance (the Alliance) is the membership body in Scotland for everyone committed to creating a fairer world, free from poverty, injustice and environmental threats. It brings together, supports and represents a diverse range of organisations and individuals, including over 160 NGOs, businesses, academic institutions and public sector bodies that operate in over 100 countries.
The Scotland Malawi Partnership (SMP) is the national civil society network coordinating, supporting and representing the people-to-people links between our two nations. They represent a community of 109,000 Scots with active links to Malawi, with over 1,000 member organisations and key individuals.
Feedback from attendees:
- 58% of those who filled in feedback forms (x12) described the meeting as “excellent” and 42% as “very good”
- 100% of respondents said the meeting helped strengthen/support their links with Malawi/Alliance target countries
- 83% of respondents said they made new contacts at the meeting
Respondents liked best:
Impact of membership and attendance at this event:
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