New Members Forum [I]
An opportunity to hear more about new and existing members’ Malawi link.
We invite you to participate in an informal, online event where new and existing members are given the opportunity to introduce themselves and their connection with Malawi to other members of the Scotland Malawi Partnership (SMP).
We know from consistent feedback that SMP members love hearing who is doing what, where and with whom in Malawi. This can share learning and experience, lead to offers of support, impactful collaboration and reduce duplication of effort, or simply help to spread the passion for Malawi and galvanise members' efforts. Whether you are actively engaged in work with Malawi today, your connection dates back many years, or you are interested in finding out more, you are equally welcome and encouraged to take part.
This friendly, inclusive introductory zoom meeting will last approximately 45mins. We shall invite members to introduce themselves in approximately 1 minute, so that we hear from a broad array of our diverse membership.