Equity and Diversity at COP26 webinar with MaSP and 2050 Climate Group
The Equity and Diversity at COP26 webinar held by Malawi Scotland Partnership (MaSP) and 2050 Climate Group will explore the opportunities around increasing equity and diversity at COP26, with a focus on how we can ensure all voices are represented in the strategic decision making which will shape our future.
The Equity and Diversity at COP26 webinar was held on 26th March 2021 by our sister organisation, The Malawi Scotland Partnership (MaSP) and the 2050 Climate Group.
The session explored the opportunities around increasing equity and diversity at COP26, with a focus on how we can ensure all voices are represented in the strategic decision making which will shape our future.
COP26 took place in Glasgow from 1st - 12th November 2021, with global leaders coming together to set the pathway to a sustainable, net-zero future.
However, it is often the case that those who are most severely impacted by the climate emergency are least represented at events such as COP, where the key strategic decisions are made. This webinar examined how COP26 can overcome barriers to equity and inclusion, and ensure that all countries are represented equally in the climate conversations and decision-making taking place in Glasgow. It also offered insight into issues around climate justice, exploring the intersecting inequalities that result from climate change, and how the solutions must be social as well as scientific.