00:52:26 The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Good Afternoon all, my name is Natasha from the SMP, please feel free to introduce yourselves in the Chatbox. 00:54:05 Heidi: Delighted to join today. I’m Heidi, supporter of Mamie Martin Fund. 00:54:33 Willie Sinclair: I am Mamie Martin's grandson. 01:05:57 Heidi: Yes, can hear. 01:09:38 The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Link for Agenda is available here https://www.scotland-malawipartnership.org/events/myth-reality-of-the-missionary-family-book-launch 01:26:37 Linda Dembo: Inspired to read the book. Thank you 01:28:06 Mercy Sibande: This is beautiful Isobel. Thanks for the book 01:31:41 Lucky Katundu: Thank you for tireless efforts in publishing the book. Is it readily available in Malawian bookshops? 01:35:29 The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Replying to "Thank you for tirele..." Hope David answered your question. 01:35:59 Lucky Katundu: Replying to "Thank you for tirele..." Yes my question has been answered. Thank you 01:44:40 Alan Laverock, co-convenor: Excellent meeting, well done to all involved 01:45:12 Linda Dembo: Thank you for this amazing history. I can't wait to get a copy for myself 01:50:05 Willie Sinclair: Thanks for the reading Moira. 01:50:13 Heidi: Thank you. A great event!