00:24:58 Natasha- The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Good Morning all please find the agenda for the meeting here https://tinyurl.com/3xfuat4p 00:25:05 Patience Lamwa: Patience Lamwa Representing Gestetner Limited Malawi 00:26:54 Richard Bennett: Hello all, I’m Richard Bennett from Bhubesi Pride Foundation, a youth sport & supplementary education charity (UK registered) with a NGO registered in Malawi, operating in rural Lilongwe (Mtema/Mzumanzi) 00:28:22 Natasha- The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Welcome all, my name is Natasha from the Scotland Malawi Partnership! Please feel free to introduce yourselves in the chat. 00:29:07 The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Please feel very welcome to introduce yourself in Chat 00:30:38 Infinix HOT 10: Hello, My name is kondwani Winga representing Foundation for Community Support Services (FOCUS) northern Malawi 00:30:54 Diliza Nyasulu: Hello, My name is Diliza Nyasulu. I am the Vice President of REIAMA and Projects Engineer of Musawanika Industrial Electronics. My email is dilizakhafula@gmail.com. 00:31:37 Damien Frame: Damien Frame (damien.frame@strath.ac.uk) from the University of Strathclyde - project lead for our EASE project https://ease.eee.strath.ac.uk/ and the new Global Renewables Centre initiative https://www.strath.ac.uk/workwithus/sgglobalrenewablescentre/ 00:32:59 Sanudi Major: Hello I am Sanudi Major Managing Director Green Energy Solution greensolution664@gmail.com 00:34:20 Alice Ndau: Am Alice Ndau, a student at solar energy and ecology institute in Malawi. alicelovendau@gmail.com 00:36:04 Natasha- The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Good Morning all please find the agenda for the meeting- https://tinyurl.com/3xfuat4p 00:36:22 Ali Juma: Hello! I am Ali Juma, a student at University of Dar es Salaam and Lecturer at Mzuzu University under Department of Energy Systems. juma.s@mzuni.ac.mw 00:37:01 Moses Kaponda: Hello am Moses Kaponda, the Solar Instructor at Solar Energy and Ecology Institute mkaponda92@gmail.com 00:38:52 Derek’s iPhone: Hello Everyone! I am Derek Manjawila , A fresh Renewable Energy Technologies graduate from Mzuzu University. manjawiladerek@gmail.com 00:39:23 Johnny Fisher: Good morning, my name is Johnny Fisher. I'm an associate at Amplifying Voices, a media 4 development organisation based in UK. johnny@amplifyingvoices.uk 00:43:43 prosper nkhoma: Hello everyone! I'm Prosper Nkhoma Forest Technician at Zomba Mountain Forest Reserve Malawi Email : nkhomaprosper0@gmail.com 00:45:47 The Scotland Malawi Partnership: Please note that all presentations will be available from the SMP past events page after the meeting. 00:46:39 The Scotland Malawi Partnership: At the Chair's invitation, please feel very welcome to put questions in Chat at any time 01:11:35 Heather Cubie: Wow! What great developments and both academic and industrial progress there have been.. Some of the developments we have heard from this morning are so impressive. Great to hear there have been Scottish origins and experts involved in these. Particular congratulations to Letitia on BL-BL lab solar installation! We may not have as much sun, but we know we can still benefit from solar in Scotland. I am interested in how difficult it is to get information/find innovative suppliers for the domestic market including mini-grids for individuals and for small rural communities in Scotland and wonder whether Malawi and the wonderful organisations we have heard from this morning can offer help and advice to Scotland? 01:26:28 Fishani Msiska: congratulations Leticia 01:31:39 Heather Cubie: Thank you Robert, that makes sesne 01:39:11 Johnny Fisher: I love both these initiatives building Renewable expertise. Are they limited to designing/implementing applications that are dependent on foreign-made/ foreign developed tech, or are there R&D/Manufacturing programmes for developing the base tech in Malawi/ Southern Africa … eg are the applications dependent on imported PV panels, batteries etc? 01:41:07 Damien Frame: Wow! What great developments and both academic and industrial progress there have been.. Some of the developments we have heard from this morning are so impressive. Great to hear there have been Scottish origins and experts involved in these. Particular congratulations to Letitia on BL-BL lab solar installation! We may not have as much sun, but we know we can still benefit from solar in Scotland. I am interested in how difficult it is to get information/find innovative suppliers for the domestic market including mini-grids for individuals and for small rural communities in Scotland and wonder whether Malawi and the wonderful organisations we have heard from this morning can offer help and advice to Scotland? Stuart mention the new Global Renewables Centre. We have engaged with Local Energy Scotland and the Energy Saving Trust who provide support to the Scottish sector. We believe that facilitating links at the community/domestic level has great potential for 2-way learning! 01:46:05 Fishani Msiska: Ener-G-Africa does some manufacturing of some components 01:46:13 Stuart Galloway: Reacted to "Ener-G-Africa does s..." with 👍 01:48:24 Johnny Fisher: Thank you all presenters .. very interesting 01:49:25 Heather Cubie: Excellent meeting, very stimulating,thank you Stuart and all speakers 01:49:46 Dorothea Nelson: Please take a minute to respond to our questionnaire, this will also be emailed to you shortly https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/H2Q82NP 01:50:26 Stuart Galloway: Thanks everyone - have a good day